Can I Have Your Opinions?


I want to do kpop profiles on here or at least an introduction to new groupa/old groups. Does anyone have a group they want to suggest I start with? It can be girl or guy.

I don’t know if I will be the best at this, but I will try!

I also want to post song lyrics (from a translated source).

Does anyone else have any ideas of what to start with or any other idea’s for blog posts YOU would like to see?

Please let me know!

Peace, love, and Jimin

Some Ways of How Kpop Changed Me


Sorry I have been so quiet for the past couple of days, but I have been so tired!

And here all I had was nice posts about kpop, some silly, a few serious, but now we are going to get deep and controversial. Well…maybe not too controversial, but depending where you stand on some of these views, who knows, it might be.

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Learning About Kpop and How I Became a Fan


I could start off this post by saying “what is kpop” and give a literal and figurative definition of it, but that sounds way too cheesy. And because you are here, I am assuming you know a bit about what kpop is. Lemme tell you a bit about how I got into kpop:

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For Those Who Like Fanfiction


I have started two fanfiction blogs on Tumblr that are request blogs. Basically, you can go there and request a fanfiction for me to write. I decide how long it is, but you will still have something to read.

BTS || Request

BAP || Request

I thought about making a general one, and maybe I will but I think two is so much to handle right now. So please go and request, okay? Any questions, feel free to message me or the blogs. Thank you!

For the Love of Jimin!


So I’m assuming if you are here, you love Jimin. And so do I! So let’s be friends and fangirl/boy over him, okay?

I am making this blog as an all-in-essential kpop blog. Let’s just say it will have many different categories, such as fanfiction, fanart, and anything else (album reviews, member spotlights, and whatever else comes to mind! maybe even some giveaways in the future!). Go ahead and click that follow button and join me on this journey that is kpop-filled.

So sit back and relax with me, and let’s have some fun, okay?